English Federation for Correspondence Chess

The ICCF National Federation for England

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English Senior Master (ESM) – 40 points required after obtaining the English Master title

Current points at 28th October 2024.

Name Points
Copsey Antony 17
Kitson Keith 17
Bailey Matthew W. 14
Ellis Les 9
McLaughlin Keith W. 2
Carr Trevor 1



EFCC Games Database

Guide to Correspondence Chess

This document, written by Neil Limbert, is an excellent introduction to correspondence chess for new players; download it from here.

Online Fee Payment

The form below is provided for you to make an online payment for tournament entries or membership subscriptions. Please put your name and the event entered, or other reference (e.g. 'new membership' or 'membership renewal') in the text field.

You will be taken to a secure Paypal page.

When prompted by Paypal enter the amount in £ GBP (Ignore the greyed out currency USD).

You will then be asked to review and confirm your purchase.

Tourney Ref or Other

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