British Correspondence Chess League (BCCL)

The BCCL consists of a league made up of the teams of 8. Each player plays one opponent (2 games) per season so it is not a large commitment and can serve as an excellent introduction to correspondence chess.

The BCCL has a strong tradition โ€“ please have a look at the following article on the History of the BCCL by Neil Limbert – BCCL .

There are some excellent games at the end!

If you are interested and are a BCCA UK member you can indicate โ€œYesโ€ on your Membership Renewal form to the BCCL. We will try our best to find you a place on an existing team or, if enough people are interested, we will form new teams!

If you are not a BCCA member you can join the BCCA!

For more information please read the Tournament Rules – see:ย  BCCL Rules 2020 for the webserver rulesย  – or contact Stan Grayland