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Webserver Trios – Latest Results

Class 1 Trio No.185 has been won by Pablo Moujan with an excellent score of 3.5/4. Pablo has been promoted to Class 2 and awarded 2 BCM points

Class 2 Trio No. 96 has been won by BCM Robert Bruce with a perfect score of 4/4. Robert returns to Class 3 and possible qualification for the Trios Championship

Class 3 Trio No.74 resulted in a three way tie with all three players receiving 1 BM point each

Trio Championship Semi-Final No. 2 has been won by BCM Russell Sherwood with a score of 2.5/4 in a close fought match with BM Keith Kitson and BCM Yosua Sitorus. Russell will now play in the first Trios Championship Final with a guaranteed cash prize.

Class 2 Trio No.102 has been won by Ian Mcleary with an impressive score of 3/4. Inam is promoted to Class 3 and awarded 4 BCM points. He is also eligible to enter the Trios Championship.

Class 1 Trio No.184 has been won by John Jeff with a perfect score of 4/4. John is promoted to Class 2 and awarded 2 BCM Points.

Webserver Trios – Latest results

Class 3 Trio No.49 – Winner Olli Ylonen with a score of 3.5/4. Olli has been awarded 3 BM Points bringing his total to 12.
Class 1 Trio No.181 – Winner John Dunn with a score of 4/4. John receives 2 BCM bringing his total to 12
Class 2 Trio No.100 – Winner Alastair Cowan with a score of 3.5/4, Alastair has been awarded 4 BCM points taking his total to 6
Class 3 Trio No.68 – Winner BCM Ju Xiang Te with a score of 2.5/4, Ju receives 3 BM Points.
Class 2 Trio No.97 – Winner Nigel Norman with a score of 3.5/4 and receives 4 BCM points bringing his total to 14
Class 3 Trio No.69 resulted in a three way draw so all players receive 1 BM Point each.
Class 2 Trio No.92 – Winner Carlos Almarza-Mato with a score of 3/4, Carlos is awarded 4 BCM Points bring his total to 8
Class 1 Trio No.178 – Joint winners, BCM Raymond Cox and Selina Kellett, Selina is awarded 1 BCM Point bringing her total to 7

Webserver Trios – Latest results

Class 3 Trio No.66 – ended in a three way tie . All three players have been awarded 1 BCCA BM point and will play again in Class 3, No Trios semi-final place could be awarded.

Class 2 Trio No.90 – Congratulations to Xiang, Jun, Tee on a close fought win, Xiang receives a further 4 BCM Points bring his total to 19 – just one more needed for the title. Xiang is now playing in Class 3 with a view to a Championship Semi-Final Place.

Class 2 Trio No.89 – was won by Edmund Foulds  with an impressive score of 3.5/4. Edmund has been awarded 4 BCM points taking his  total to 10.

Class 1 Trio No.174 – proved to be an easy win for new member William Davies who won with a perfect score of 4/4, William is awarded 2 BCM Points to start his campaign for the title.

Class 1 Trio No.176 – Congratulations to Jim Fox on winning the Trio with a perfect score of 4/4. Jim returns to Class 2 and is awarded 2 BCM Points taking his total to 9.

Webserver Trios – Latest Results

Class 2 Trio No.94 was won by BCM Frank McMahon with a score of 3/4 https://www.iccf.com/event?id=73245

Class 3 Trio No.54 – LIM Dawn Williamson and SIM Olli Ylonen share the honours and the BM Points with a score of 2.5/4 https://www.iccf.com/event?id=66660

Class 2 Trio No.95 – BCM Colin Beveridge claimed the win here with a perfect score of 4/4 – well played Colin and welcome back to Class 3 https://www.iccf.com/event?id=73727

Class 1 Trio No.166 –  Winner David Elwood  with a score of 3/4  and promotion to Class 2 with 2 BCM Points. https://www.iccf.com/event?id=68651

Class 1 Trio No.177 – Disrupted due to a silent withdrawal which was very unfair to the other two players. Ian McLeary has been awarded 1 BCM point. Both remaining players receive a free Trio entry. https://www.iccf.com/event?id=74460

Class 2 Trio No.93 – Lester Weiss arose victorious from the closely contested Trio with a score of 2.5/4 and 4 BCM Points. Lester now has the chance to play for a Trios Semi-Final place in Class 3  https://www.iccf.com/event?id=72923

Class 3 Trio No.63 – Joint winners are CCM Trevor Carr and SIM Olli Ylonen with a score of 3/4, both receive 1 BCCA Master point. Olli also receives a Trios Semi-Final Place by virtue of 2 joint Class 3 wins. https://www.iccf.com/event?id=71068

Class 2 Trio No.98 – Eoin Campbell claimed the honours with a score of 3/4 and returns to Class 3. https://www.iccf.com/event?id=75122





Webserver Trios

After careful consideration it has been decided to amend the playing rules concerning Trios where the result is a Tie. Previously Joint winners in Class 1 and 2 have been promoted. From now that practice will cease and be replaced by the following:-

 Joint Winners, if a player is joint winner in 2 Trios in the same Class he will be promoted to the Class above. This also applies to Trio semi-finals. Players start at 0 following relegation if they have one draw and then get relegated that draw is cancelled out.

 Multiple Entries are now allowed only in Class 1.

 Entry rules – All players start in Class 1 unless their ICCF Rating is > 2000 in which case they will start in Class 2 or Class 3 if rated >2200

Click HERE to see the full playing rules


Webserver Trios – Latest Results

Since the last BCCA Webserver Trios update 4 Class Two’s and 3 Class Three Trios have been decided.

Maurice Carter and Carlos Almarza Mato are joint winners of BCCA/C2/Tr78  which ended as a 3 way time 2/2 but Maurice and Carlos won on the tie break with 1 win apiece, both are promoted to Class 3 and receive 2 BCM Points.

Angus James and Lester Weiss are joint  winners  of BCCA/C2/Tr72 with a score of 3/4, both are promoted to Class 3 and receive 2 BCM Points apiece.

Phillip Tolhurst is the outright winner of BCCA/C2/Tr91 with a score of 3/4, Phillip receives 4 BCM Points bringing his total to 11 and is promoted to Class 3.

BCM Gregory Hughes has won BCCA/C2/Tr83 with a perfect score of 4/4 and is now playing in a Class 3 Trios Championship Qualifier, Well played Greg.

BCCA/C3/Tr60 ended with a draw between BCM Colin Cheek and BCM Phillip Beckett with a score of 2.5/4  and are awarded 1 BM point apiece.  Both will play again in the next Class 3 Championship Qualifier as an outright win is required to go through.

SIM Keith Kitson has won BCCA/C3/Tr62 with an excellent 3.5/4. Kieth has been awarded 3 BM points which brings his total to 20 and the BCCA Master Title . Keith is now playing in a Trios Championship Semi-Final where a cash prize is guaranteed to the winner.

BM David Coyne and CCE Praveen Rallabandi share the honours in BCCA/C3/Tr59 with scores of 2.5/4. This was a tight match and both will play again in new Championship Qualifiers for that elusive Trios Championship Semi-Final place.


Webserver Trios – Latest Results

Five Trios have been decided since the last update, we will start with Class 1.

Alastair Cowan who joined this year has won C1/Tr169 with an impressive score of 3.5 against Brian Cunningham and Jim Fox. Alastair has been promoted to Class 2 and receives is first 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points.

Ben Wood is the winner of C1/Tr167 with an excellent score of 3.5 against Peter Tibbert and Martin Hardwick. Ben receives 2 BCM Points bringing his total to 17 – just 3 more needed for the title. Ben returns to Class 2 where 4 BCM points are available for a win giving him the title.

Selina Kellett knocks up her second class 1 win scored in C1/Tr164 with an impressive 3.5 against Iris Pardoe and Dave Gosling. Selina is another new member this year and will be one to watch for the future. She receives 2 more BCM Points and is now playing for 4 more in Class 2

Jun Xiang Tee who joined this year claims another Class 1 win with a perfect score of 4/4 against Keith Dudeney and David Roberts in Tr168. Jun receives 2 more BCM Points bring his total to 7.  Jun is now chasing a Class 2 win.

Nigel Norman scores a perfect 4/4 in  Class 2 Trio No.82 against Malcolm Winter and Alex Tupper. Nigel moves to Class 3 where his next Trio will be a championship qualifier. This is Nigel’s second Class 2 win and he receives another 4 BCM Points bringing his total to 10.

The first ‘Trios Championship Semi Final’  BCCA/Semi/Tr1 has started involving Richard Akrill, Sitorus, Yosua and Russell Sherwood. An outright win is required to progress to a final where cash prizes are guaranteed for all players. On paper Richard is over matched but you never know.


Webserver Trios – September Update

We start with Class 1 Trio No.151 which was won by Brian Robinson and Andrew Ellis jointly with 3 points apiece. The third player was Paul Theedom-Bridgeman. Brian and Andrew receive 1 BCM Point each and are promoted to Class 2

Then comes Class 1 Trio No.160 where Ju Te Xiang was the winner with an excellent score of 3.5/4 against Chris Kent and Raymond Cox. Ju receives 2 more BCM Points and has already qualified for Class 2.

Next we have Class 1 Trio No.162 which was a close fought battle between 2 new members, Lea Hudson and Peter Dearnley. Lea prevailed with an excellent score of 3.5 points, Peter finished with a very respectable 2.5 points and almost made it 3 points apiece. The third player was Alan Terry. Lea is promoted to Class 2 and receives 2 BCM Points

After that we have Class 1 Trio 159 which was a very tight contest between Iris Pardoe, Brian Cunningham and Keith Dudeney. In the end Iris prevailed with a score of 2.5 points and moves back to Class 2 with 2 BCM Points

Now we are on to Class 2 Trio No.84 where Richard Akrill won with a score of 3 points against Michael Farmer and Stephen Woodhouse. Richard receives 4 BCM points and is promoted to Class 3 and the possibility of qualifying for a Webserver Trios Championship Semi-Final.

And finally we have Class 3 Trio No.39 where Trevor Carr prevailed in a very tight match with Dr. Mark Wilson and Edmund Foulds. Trevor received 3 BM Points. Both he and Mark will be playing in Championship Qualifiers next time round. Edmund returns to Class 2 for his next Trio.

Webserver Trios – August Update

Seven Trios have been decided this month starting with Class 2 Trio No. 81 involving William Lindberg, Paul Scott and Philip Tolhurst which ended in a rare three way tie. All players receive 1 BCM point and continue to play in Class 2.

Next we have Class 3 Trio No. 50 which was won by Yosau Sitorous  in a close fought battle with David Coyne. Yosau receives 3 BM Points and is the first player to qualify for a Webserver Trios Championship Semi-Final – very well played sir.

Then we have Class 3 Trio No. 53 which was won by our magasine editor. CCM Russell Sherwood who was up against Raymond Burridge  and Philip Beckett. Russell receives 3 BM points bringing his total to 8 and is the second player to qualify for a Webserver Trios Championship Semi-Final.

After that came Class 1 Trio No.  165 which was one by one of our newest members, Selina Kellett with a perfect score of 4/4 against Keith Dudeney and Jim Fox. Selina is promoted to Class 2 and receives her first 2 BCM points – one to watch for the future.

Followed by Class 2 Trio No. 77 which finished in a 2 way tie between Colin Cheek and returning member, Greg Hughes. As result they shared the BCM Points with 2 each enabling both to achieve the required 20 points for the BCCA Candidate Master Title. Both are now also promoted to Class Three with a chance to play in the Webserver Trios Championship – Well played gentlemen

The next result was Class 2 Trio No. 76 which was won by one of the strongest supporters of the Trios Tournament – Malcolm Winter, Malcolm also achieved the BCCA Candidate Master Title as a result of this win. The other players were Derek Whymark and Guy Whitehouse. Malcolm now returns to Class 3 with a chance to play in the Webserver Trios Championship.

Finally, we have Class 3 Trio No. 47  which was won by SIM Olli Yionen who was up against SIM Keith Kitson and Raymond Burridge. Olli and Keith both have the chance of playing in the Webserver Trios Championship if they win their next Class 3’s and Olli receives his first 3 BCCA Master Points.


Webserver Trios – July Update

Three Trios have been decided this month – one in each Class.

We will start with Class 1 Trio No. 158 which has been won by Raymond Cox and David Elwood jointly. Raymond has now achieved the 20 points needed for the BCCA Candidate Master Title, David is now on 12 points – just 8 more to go.

Next we have Class 2 Trio No. 69 which has been won by new member, Praveen Kumar Rallibandi,  with an impressive 3.5/4 – Praveen now has 8 BCM Points and has been promoted to Class 3

Finally, Class 3 Trio No. 44 has been won by BCM Gary Maguire  in a close fought battle with BCM David Grobler. Gary clinched the win by 1/2 a point and receives 3 BM Points taking his total to 6. Both Gary and David are now playing in Trios Championship Qualifiers and may well meet again in a Semi-Final.