Tag Archives: Trio

Webserver Trios Update

New Member, Stephen Woodhouse has won Class 1 Trio No.73 with a score of 3.5/4 and has been promoted to Class 2. The other players were Jim Fox and Christopher Greenhill. All players are to be commended on their quick play – the Trio was finished in less than 2 weeks.

Two New Members, Malcolm Winter and Roy Summers are joint winners of Class 1 Trio No.67 with a score of 3/4 and have both been  promoted to Class 2, the other player was David Gosling

Email Tourney Section 4A

Anthony Tolliday has won the section with a perfect score of 4/4 against John Sheriff and Antony Dawkins – well played.

The email tournament is winding down and no new sections will be started. Players should consider the Webserver Trio’s Tournament as an alternative.

Webserver Trios Update

We have had a flurry of results in the Webserver Trios, starting with J Etherington’s win in Class 2 Trio No.15 gaining promotion to Class 3 and 4 BCM Points. Frank McMahon has won Class 1 Trio No.59 and promotion to Class 2 plus 2 BCM Points. Finally, Mark Smith is the winner in Class 1 Trio No.50, Mark has also gained promotion to Class 2 and 2 BCM Points. Well played to all.

Latest Webserver Trio Results

Congratulations to Gordon Dennison, John Crump and Sandy Smyth on winning their respective Trio’s. Gordon & John are joint winners of Class 1 Trio No.Tr36  and have been awarded 1 BCM point each and promoted to Class 2, Sandy has been awarded 4 BCM points and promoted to Class 3  – well played all.