Tag Archives: Games

Games Archive Download Facilites

Neil Limbert and I have been working to develop a download facility for completed BCCA tournaments, a number of members have asked about this and we are pleased to announce that we can now make them available in PGN & Chessbase (Archive) formats. the idea is to make them available as separate databases once a quarter and then combine them in to one archive database at the end of each year.

The first two are the ‘Armitage Memorial Tournament’ which consists of 94 games, many of which have been annotated, played between 2008 & 2010
[wpdm_file id=2]Chessbase Format[wpdm_file id=4]PGN Format

We hope this new facility we prove interesting and useful. It is always good to get a feel for a new opponents style of play and as the database develops it should be a good reference source in the future.