Category Archives: News

Information Items

BCCA Ratings

The Executive Committee continues to work to maximise the number of games played by BCCA members which are ICCF rated while developing our own BCCA ratings list.

We can now confirm that we expect all William Mason events to be rated in the 2022/23 season and will shortly be seeking confirmation of ratings for the 2022/23 Medal events.

For more detail, please see:  BCCA Ratings.

Executive Committee Agenda

The Executive Committee has a full agenda for its meeting scheduled for this Saturday.   The main items are set out below:

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting 2nd October 2021.
  3. Matters Arising
  4. General Secretary’s Report
  5. Membership Secretary’s Report
  6. Webmaster’s Report
  7. Treasurer’s Report
  8. Tournament Review
    • Rating BCCA Tournaments
    • Gambit/Counter Gambit
    • Endgame Tournament
    • Handicap
    • Trios
    • New Joiners
  1. Matches
    • Captains report
    • Friendlies
    • Costs
    • Rating
  1. BCCA Senior Master Proposal – Keith Kitson proposal
  1. Magazine
    • New issues
    • Historic – see website
    • EFCC magazine
  1. Date of Next Meeting
  1. Any Other Business