Category Archives: Chess

Trios Championship now available

OK you have achieved the BCCA Candidate Master & BCCA Master Titles why continue to play Trios? To become a Trios Champion and win £80!

Starting from Class 3 Trio No. 49 all Class 3 winners (must be outright wins no 2 or 3 way draws go through) will be eligible to enter a Championship Trio Semi-Final, once we have three entries a Championship Trio Semi-Final will start and the winner will go through to the Trio Championship  Final and a guaranteed cash prize.

When we have three Semi-Final Winners a Final will be set up with a Cash Prize of £80 for the winner, £40 for second and £20 for third. In the event of a two or three way draw the prize fund will be split accordingly. There will be no entry fee for the final.

The Trios Championship will continue to run on a continuous basis for Class 3 Trio winners.

Don’t miss out – enter a Trio today, BCCA Candidate Masters and players rated > 2200 start in Class 3 

Webserver Trios – January Update

January has been a busy month for Steve Cole, the Trios Tournament Organiser and TD with 7 Trios decided. Steve is doing an excellent job having taken over from Tony Cannon at the start of 2016 and we are sure all the players will join in our appreciation of the time and effort he devotes to running the Tournament.

Congratulations to Dennis Broadway on achieving 3 more BCCA Master Points by winning Class 3 Trio  No. 38 and  with an impressive score of 3.5/4. Dennis now has a total of 18 BM Points – just 2 more needed for the title.

Paul Armiger has won his second Class 1 Trio No.139 with a perfect score of 4/4 – very well played Paul. He has been awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points bringing his total to 4. He has also been promoted to Class 2 where 4 BCM Points are available for a win.

Greg Hughes is the winner of Class 1 Trio No.152 with a score of 4/4 and has been awarded 2 BCM Points bringing his total to 17, only 3 more needed for the Title. Greg will now play in Class 2.

Congratulations to Leslie Eastoe on winning Class 2 Trio No.68 and 4 BCM Points with an impressive score of 3.5/4. This win brings Leslie’s total BCM Points to 23 and he has been awarded the BCCA Candidate Master Title. He will now play in Class 3 and start his BCCA Master Campaign. Very well played sir!

New Member Carlos Almarza Mato has won Class 1 Trio No.148 with a score of 3.5/4 and received his first 2 BCM Points, well played Carlos. He is now playing in Class 2 where tougher opposition awaits.

Robert Bruce has won Class 2 Trio No.75 scoring 3/4 – well played Robert. The 4 BCM points have taken Robert to a total of 18 so if he wishes he can play in both Class 2 and Class 3 where BM Points are available.

Congratulations to Maurice Carter on winning  Class 1 Trio No. 136 with an impressive score of 3.5/4. Maurice has been promoted to class 2 and awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points taking his total to 8 (20 needed to gain the title).




New BCCA Candidate Master: Alex Relyea

Alex Relyea has become the first BCCA member in 2017 to earn the BCCA Candidate Master Title. He accumulated the necessary 20 points from 2nd place in a 2016 Silver Medal tournament; 3rd place in a 2015 Silver Medal tournament; Winner of a BCCA Candidates Tournament & a Class 2 Trio. Well played Alex!

The full list of BCCA Title holders can be found here:

The full list of Points Awarded for players who do not yet have a BCCA Title can be found here:

End Game Tourney Results 2015/16

Michael Thistlewood  has published the results of the 2015/16 Season. Frank McMahon and Russell Sherwood share the honours in the email tourney with 5.5 points each. R.D. Picken and David Richardson also share the honours in the postal tourney with 6 points apiece. Well played to one and all. Your support of the ‘End Game Tournament’ is most appreciated by Michael.

End Game Tourney

Entries are still being taken for the 2016/17 season from the Payment Page Sharpen your end game skills, particularly useful for members who also play OTB

Gambit & Counter Gambit Results 2015/16

Gambit 2016

Congratulations to Russell Sherwood on winning both Tournaments with a near perfect 7.5 points. Richard Akrill is the runner up with a very respectable 5.5 points. Gambit Tournaments are unrated and should be played without computer assistance. They are designed to increase the understanding of particular positions. Members who also play OTB may find them of particular benefit.

The ‘Postal’ Gambit Tournament was won by Derek Gallimore with 4 points – well played Derek. This was the last postal event and Gambits will be email only for 2016/17

The 2016/17 Gambit Tournaments are open for entry now – please contact Fred Clough for more details.

Webserver Trios – July Update

Well played to Keith Dudeney who has won Class 1 Trio No.138 with a score of 3.5/4 – Keith is awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points and is now playing in Class 2

Congratulations to ‘New Member’ Pablo Moujan on winning Class 1 Trio No.137 with a perfect score of 4/4. Pablo is now promoted to Class 2 and will receive his first 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points (20 needed to gain the title)

Membership Renewal

Membership renewal is now open for the 2015/16 season on the website. Look out for the new ‘Free to Enter’ Rapid Play Cup which is on the renewal form. Pay your membership fee and make your choice of seasonal tournaments on the payment page. Don’t delay do it today. New Members are also welcome at anytime.

Webserver Trio’s – February Update

Maurice Carter on a clean sweep of 4/4 in his first Class 1 Webserver Trio No.87  – very well played. Maurice is now promoted to Class 2 and has been awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points.

Class 1 Webserver Trio No.90 has resulted in a draw between Helen Sherwood and James Rothwell, both players are therefore promoted to Class 2 and share the BCCA Candidate Master Points receiving 1 point each.

Congratulations to David Howell on winning Class 1 Trio No.89 with a perfect score of 4/4 – well played. David is now promoted to Class 2 and has been awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points.

Robert Bruce has won Class 1 Trio No.89 with a clean sweep of 4 wins, Robert has now been promoted to Class 2 and has been awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points.

Congratulations to Dennis Broadway on a well-crafted win in Class 2 Trio No.33 with a score of 3/4 – Dennis has been awarded 4 BCCA Candidate Master Points and promoted to Class 3.

Geoffrey Herbert and Raymond Burridge share the honours in Class 2 Trio No.44 with a tied score of 2.5 pts, 1 win and SB of 4, Geoffrey wins promotion to Class 3 (Raymond is already in Class 3) and have been awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points each.