Category Archives: Chess

Webserver Trios – September Update

We start with Class 1 Trio No.151 which was won by Brian Robinson and Andrew Ellis jointly with 3 points apiece. The third player was Paul Theedom-Bridgeman. Brian and Andrew receive 1 BCM Point each and are promoted to Class 2

Then comes Class 1 Trio No.160 where Ju Te Xiang was the winner with an excellent score of 3.5/4 against Chris Kent and Raymond Cox. Ju receives 2 more BCM Points and has already qualified for Class 2.

Next we have Class 1 Trio No.162 which was a close fought battle between 2 new members, Lea Hudson and Peter Dearnley. Lea prevailed with an excellent score of 3.5 points, Peter finished with a very respectable 2.5 points and almost made it 3 points apiece. The third player was Alan Terry. Lea is promoted to Class 2 and receives 2 BCM Points

After that we have Class 1 Trio 159 which was a very tight contest between Iris Pardoe, Brian Cunningham and Keith Dudeney. In the end Iris prevailed with a score of 2.5 points and moves back to Class 2 with 2 BCM Points

Now we are on to Class 2 Trio No.84 where Richard Akrill won with a score of 3 points against Michael Farmer and Stephen Woodhouse. Richard receives 4 BCM points and is promoted to Class 3 and the possibility of qualifying for a Webserver Trios Championship Semi-Final.

And finally we have Class 3 Trio No.39 where Trevor Carr prevailed in a very tight match with Dr. Mark Wilson and Edmund Foulds. Trevor received 3 BM Points. Both he and Mark will be playing in Championship Qualifiers next time round. Edmund returns to Class 2 for his next Trio.

Webserver Trios – July Update

Three Trios have been decided this month – one in each Class.

We will start with Class 1 Trio No. 158 which has been won by Raymond Cox and David Elwood jointly. Raymond has now achieved the 20 points needed for the BCCA Candidate Master Title, David is now on 12 points – just 8 more to go.

Next we have Class 2 Trio No. 69 which has been won by new member, Praveen Kumar Rallibandi,  with an impressive 3.5/4 – Praveen now has 8 BCM Points and has been promoted to Class 3

Finally, Class 3 Trio No. 44 has been won by BCM Gary Maguire  in a close fought battle with BCM David Grobler. Gary clinched the win by 1/2 a point and receives 3 BM Points taking his total to 6. Both Gary and David are now playing in Trios Championship Qualifiers and may well meet again in a Semi-Final.

A Clash of the Titans in this year’s Gambit and Counter Gambit Tourneys!

Results I’ve been eagerly awaiting!  Russell Sherwood has dominated both these e-mail events in recent years. Likewise Derek Gallimore has dominated the postal sections of these events over many years. With the closure of the postal section this year, however, Derek entered the e-mail tourneys thus offering new and strong opposition for Russell. So who would take the honours this year? It could not be closer!

Congratulations to the Titans and to the other competitors who played their necessary part in deciding the outcome.
Fred Clough

Webserver Trios – June Update

BCCA/C3/Tr48 has been won by Antony Copsey with a score of 3/4 against Frank McMahon and Raymond Burridge. Antony has been awarded his 3 BCCA Master Points.

BCCA/C1/Tr147 has been won by Michael Farmer with a score of 3/4 against Lea Hudson and Raymond Cox. Michael is promoted to Class 2 and awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points.

BCCA/C1/Tr155 Gregory Hughes is the winner with an excellent score of 3.5/4 against Jun Xiang Tee and Stuart Honey. Gregory is promoted to Class 2 and receives 2 BCM Points bringing his total to 19, just one more needed for the BCM Title

BCCA/C2/Tr80Sylvie Roynet wins with a score of 3/4 against Sandy Smyth and John Dunn. Sylvie is promoted to Class 3 and receives 4 BCM Points

BCCA/C1/Tr156 – has been won by Jun Xiang Tee with a score of 3/4 against Selina Kellett and Murray Grainger. Jun is promoted to Class 2 and receives 2 BCM Points

BCCA/C1/Tr146Derek Whymark is the winner with an excellent score of 3.5/4 against Hilary Walsh and Jim Fox. Derek is promoted to Class 2 and receives 2 BCM Points bringing his total to 4

BCCA/C1/Tr161Stephen Woodhouse  wins with a score of 3/4 against John Walker and Keith Dudeney. Stephen is promoted to Class 2 and receives 2 BCM Points bringing his total to 14

Webserver Trios – May Update

It has been a busy month in the Trio’s Tournament with 5 Trios decided. Unfortunately two Trios were subject to silent withdrawals with is extremely poor etiquette and results in the players concerned being banned from the ICCF server and all BCCA Competitions for up to 2 years.

BCCA/C2/Tr73 – LIM Helen Sherwood has won the trio with a great score of 3.5/4, Helen receives 4 BCM Points taking her total to 23 and receives the coveted BCCA Candidate Master Title. Helen is already playing in Class 3 chasing the BCCA Master Title and a Trio Championship Semi-Final Slot.

BCCA/C2/Tr70Alex Tupper is the winner against David Howel. Because there was a silent withdrawal – there is no promotion to Class 3 and Alex receives 2 BCM points instead of 4. Both Alex and David are awarded a free trio as compensation.

BCCA/C1/Tr157 –  Unfortunately there were 2 silent withdrawals in this Trio making Jun Xiang Tee  the winner by default. Jun is awarded 1 BCM point and a free trio as compensation. Both players who withdrew are suspended from all BCCA Competitions at the moment.

BCCA/C2/Tr71Johnny Owens is the winner with an excellent score of 3.5/4. Johnny is promoted to Class 3 and receives 4 BCM Points. The other players were Malcolm Winter and Stephen Woodhouse.

BCCA/C2/Tr79Ray Kappel wins with a score of 3.5/4, well played. Ray is promoted to Class 3 and receives 4 BCM points. The other players were: Malcolm Winter and John Walker

Webserver Trios – April Update

A fairly quiet month for the Trios with just two decided.

BCCA/C1/Tr145 has been won by Jonathan Tymms with a perfect score of 4/4. Jonathan has been awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points and promoted to Class 2, Jonathan now has 6 BCM Points – Paulwell played sir. The other players in Trio were Vincent Palmer and Keith Dudeney.

BCCA/C1/Tr140Malcolm Winter is the winner with another perfect score of 4/4, well played – Malcolm is awarded 2 BCM Points taking his total to 16 (Just a Class 2 win needed to take the title) and promoted to Class 2. The other players in the Trio were Paul Wood and Chris Kent.

Webserver Trios – February Update

Another busy month in the Trios with 5 Matches decided. The strong support for the tournament has prompted the creation of the new ‘Trios Championship’ with cash prizes available. Check it out HERE

Class 1 Trio No.121 has been won by Jonathan Tymms with a perfect score of 4/4 against Hilary Walsh and new member Stuart Honey. Jonathan is promoted to Class 2 and receives 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points taking is total up to 4.

Class 1 Trio No.150 has been won by new member, Ray Kappel, with an impressive score of 3.5/4 against David Roberts and John Dunn. Ray is also promoted to Class 2 and receives his first BCCA Candidate Master Points.

Class 1 Trio No.143 has been won by John Walker with an impressive score of 3.5/4 against David Elwood and David Richardson. John is promoted to Class 2 and receives his first BCCA Candidate Master Points

Class 3 Trio No.42 has been won by Yosua Sitorus with a very impressive 3.5/4 against Allan Gardner and Richard Akrill. Yosua already holds the BCCA Candidate Master Title and receives his first 3 BCCA Master Points, Well played Yosua!

Class 2 Trio No. 67 has also been won by Yosua Sitorus with a score of 3/4 against Pablo Moulan and Sandy Smyth