Category Archives: Chess

William Mason Championship, Candidates & Reserves

BCCA Champion 2010/11 is  Les Ellis!  who wins by 2 clear points, Runner Up is Leslie Eastoe. Congratulations to both players.

In the Candidates tournament results are as follows:-

Candidates A – Winner = Stan Grayland, Candidates B – Winner = D.J. Finnie, Candidates C – Winner = Anthony Balshaw, Candidates D – Winner = David Coyne, All of whom have qualified for the 2011/12 Championship Final. For full results click here:-Candidates Results

Results for the Reserves Tournament are:-

Reserves A – Winner = A. Copsey, Reserves B – Winner = Peter Hulse, Reserves C – Winner = J. Redwood, Reserves D – Winner M.R. Wilson, Reserves E – Winner L Rhodes, These players have qualified for the 2011/12 Candidates Tournament. For full results click here:-Reserves Results

Membership Renewal 2011-12

145 members have already renewed for next season(as at 7/8/2011) with a healthy interest being shown in the BCCA Championship, Candidates & Reserves (57 entries so far) and the new Webserver Trios (32 entries so far). If you haven’t already renewed your Membership, please do so as soon as possible – some pairings have already been issued in the Handicap tournament and several Trio webserver tournaments have started. Don’t delay – renew today!
Other tournament entries so far:- Handicap 31, SOT 10, Endgame 9, Players 9, E-mail 8.

Webserver Class Tournament – Update

The new tournament is now underway with some 33 players todate. Some are totally new to webserver play and we hope they find the experience a positive one. Overall we are delighted at the level of interest and support from members.

This tournament is designed for continuous play so they will the option of buying further rounds (unless they have already done so) once their current Trio finishes. It is hoped players will be able to do this via the Website using PayPal in future.

Updates on individual Trio’s are available on the ICCF website. Use this link ICCF Event Tables and search on BCCA.

6th Webserver Tournament Final

The following players have qualified for the 6th and last Webserver Tournament Final by winning or coming second in their respective groups:-

Terry Taylor, Ian mason, Allan Gardner, Peter Hulse, Mark Slupski, Peter Tibbert, John Dunn, Les Ellis, Eugene Raby and David Coyne.

Well played to all of them. There is one place still to be decided.

The final will be starting in September and it would be appreciated if all qualifiers would confirm their willingness to play.


Correspondence Chess in Britain and Ireland 1824 – 1987

Correspondence Chess in Britain and Ireland 1824 – 1987
By Tim Harding
McFarland, 433 pages, Softcover £43.95

BOOK REVIEW By Neil Limbert

I have been looking forward to the publication of this book for what seems like quite a long time! Ever since I knew Tim Harding was preparing such a project I have been eagerly anticipating the result and hoped I would not disappointed. Continue reading Correspondence Chess in Britain and Ireland 1824 – 1987