All posts by Tony Cannon

Life Vice President

Webserver Trios – February Update

Another busy month in the Trios with 5 Matches decided. The strong support for the tournament has prompted the creation of the new ‘Trios Championship’ with cash prizes available. Check it out HERE

Class 1 Trio No.121 has been won by Jonathan Tymms with a perfect score of 4/4 against Hilary Walsh and new member Stuart Honey. Jonathan is promoted to Class 2 and receives 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points taking is total up to 4.

Class 1 Trio No.150 has been won by new member, Ray Kappel, with an impressive score of 3.5/4 against David Roberts and John Dunn. Ray is also promoted to Class 2 and receives his first BCCA Candidate Master Points.

Class 1 Trio No.143 has been won by John Walker with an impressive score of 3.5/4 against David Elwood and David Richardson. John is promoted to Class 2 and receives his first BCCA Candidate Master Points

Class 3 Trio No.42 has been won by Yosua Sitorus with a very impressive 3.5/4 against Allan Gardner and Richard Akrill. Yosua already holds the BCCA Candidate Master Title and receives his first 3 BCCA Master Points, Well played Yosua!

Class 2 Trio No. 67 has also been won by Yosua Sitorus with a score of 3/4 against Pablo Moulan and Sandy Smyth

Trios Championship now available

OK you have achieved the BCCA Candidate Master & BCCA Master Titles why continue to play Trios? To become a Trios Champion and win £80!

Starting from Class 3 Trio No. 49 all Class 3 winners (must be outright wins no 2 or 3 way draws go through) will be eligible to enter a Championship Trio Semi-Final, once we have three entries a Championship Trio Semi-Final will start and the winner will go through to the Trio Championship  Final and a guaranteed cash prize.

When we have three Semi-Final Winners a Final will be set up with a Cash Prize of £80 for the winner, £40 for second and £20 for third. In the event of a two or three way draw the prize fund will be split accordingly. There will be no entry fee for the final.

The Trios Championship will continue to run on a continuous basis for Class 3 Trio winners.

Don’t miss out – enter a Trio today, BCCA Candidate Masters and players rated > 2200 start in Class 3 

Webserver Trios – January Update

January has been a busy month for Steve Cole, the Trios Tournament Organiser and TD with 7 Trios decided. Steve is doing an excellent job having taken over from Tony Cannon at the start of 2016 and we are sure all the players will join in our appreciation of the time and effort he devotes to running the Tournament.

Congratulations to Dennis Broadway on achieving 3 more BCCA Master Points by winning Class 3 Trio  No. 38 and  with an impressive score of 3.5/4. Dennis now has a total of 18 BM Points – just 2 more needed for the title.

Paul Armiger has won his second Class 1 Trio No.139 with a perfect score of 4/4 – very well played Paul. He has been awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points bringing his total to 4. He has also been promoted to Class 2 where 4 BCM Points are available for a win.

Greg Hughes is the winner of Class 1 Trio No.152 with a score of 4/4 and has been awarded 2 BCM Points bringing his total to 17, only 3 more needed for the Title. Greg will now play in Class 2.

Congratulations to Leslie Eastoe on winning Class 2 Trio No.68 and 4 BCM Points with an impressive score of 3.5/4. This win brings Leslie’s total BCM Points to 23 and he has been awarded the BCCA Candidate Master Title. He will now play in Class 3 and start his BCCA Master Campaign. Very well played sir!

New Member Carlos Almarza Mato has won Class 1 Trio No.148 with a score of 3.5/4 and received his first 2 BCM Points, well played Carlos. He is now playing in Class 2 where tougher opposition awaits.

Robert Bruce has won Class 2 Trio No.75 scoring 3/4 – well played Robert. The 4 BCM points have taken Robert to a total of 18 so if he wishes he can play in both Class 2 and Class 3 where BM Points are available.

Congratulations to Maurice Carter on winning  Class 1 Trio No. 136 with an impressive score of 3.5/4. Maurice has been promoted to class 2 and awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points taking his total to 8 (20 needed to gain the title).




Webserver Trios – December Update

Well played to William Houpt on winning Class 2 Trio No. 65 with a perfect score of 4/4. William has now been promoted to class 3 and awarded his first 4 BCCA Candidate Master Points. He can now play in both classes until he achieves the BCM Title.

Congratulations to SIM Andrew Dearnley on winning Class 3 Trio No.35 with an impressive score of 3.5/4 Andrew has been awarded 3 BCCA Master Points giving him a total of 20 and the BCCA Master Title, very well played !

BCM Dennis Broadway edged  out his fellow BCM’s in the Class 3 Trio No.43 with a score of 3/4. Dennis is awarded 3 BCCA Master Points taking his total to 15 (only 5 more points needed to gain the BM title).

Webserver Trios – November Update

Congratulations to John Horton and Robert Bruce who are joint winners of Class 1  Trio  No.141 with identical scores of 3/4. John and Robert receive 1 BCCA Candidate Master point each and will both be promoted to class 2. Robert has now accumulated 14 BCCA Candidate Master Points whilst for John this is his first step towards the title (20 points needs to gain the title)

SIM Keith Kitson has won Class 3 Trio No.36 with an impressive score of 3.5/4. Keith is awarded 3 BCCA Master Points taking his total to 17 (just 3 more needed to gain the title.)

Congratulations to Mark Eldridge on winning Class 3 Trio No.40 with an excellent score of 3/4.
Mark is already holds the BCCA Master Title having gained it in 2015.

Webserver Trios – October Update

Only one Trio completed this month which is Class 1 No. 144. The winner was Raymond Cox with a score of 3.5/4 – well played. Ray has been awarded 2 BCCA Candidate Master Points taking his total to 19, just one more point needed for the title.  He has now been promoted to Class 2

WCCF Member Organisations Team Tournament

The Welsh Correspondence Chess Federation are organising the third team event for their member organisations (currently BCCA, SchemingMind, SCCA and NATCOR; the Welsh Chess Union have honorary affiliation and may also enter one or more teams).

This tournament is their way of thanking their member organisations for the support they have given the WCCF over the past year; all ICCF server fees will be covered by WCCF, and there will be no entry fee.

The tournament will be a single rounded All-Play-All with five boards, the time control will be 10 moves in 50 days with 45 days leave per calendar year, all other standard ICCF rules will apply, there will be no end date.

Examples of the previous events can be seen at:

BCCA will be entering a number of teams. If you wish to take part applications should be made to Russell Sherwood ( by 7th November 2016.

Russell Sherwood

BCCA Match Captain