All posts by Neil Limbert

BCCA General Secretary, Editor of "Correspondence Chess" : BCCA & ICCF Tournament Director; ICCF International Arbiter (IA) : ICCF Qualifications Commissioner for 4 years from 2009-13.

Wm Mason (BCCA) Championship 2011-12 Download

The 2011-12 BCCA William Mason Championship was the last to be played under Postal rules. All 55 games are now available via the download PAGE

There are some fantastic games here! Many of the competitors seemed to be in a determined mood as short games are few & far between. Even though there were more draws than usual, the games were fully fought out. So I recommend strongly these games are added to your database.

The 2012 Webserver Gold Medal Tournament

The 2012 Webserver Gold Medal Tournament has now finished after some seven months of play. The finished crosstable and tournament download in pgn format is available via this link

This was one of the most closely fought tournaments I have ever seen! Only 2.5 points separated the whole field and there was a 4-way tie on 5 points at the top. Congratulations to David Coyne who is the winner on S-B Tie-break. David will received an engraved Gold Medal in due course & also collects 10 points towards the BCCA Master Title. Equal 2nd were Ian Mason & Mark Eldridge who therefore collect 2 points each. Honourable mention must be made of Toni Halliwell who, despite finishing on the same points as the winner, finished 4th on tie-break & has no prize! Sorry Toni.

 I hope you all enjoyed the tournament & will consider playing again next season. A big thank you to Peter Hulse for acting as Tournament Director.


Correspondence Chess CC184

The latest issue of the BCCA magazine “Correspondence Chess” is being posted out to members and subscribers over the next few days. The highlight of the issue is a superb article from Panu Laine on the CC World Champion, Lehikoinen from Finland. There are also articles from Richard Dixon, Stan Cranmer and Neil Limbert together with “Find the Continuation” by Ian Watson and “Endgames” from Hamilton McMillan.

BCCA Results & Match updates are also included. Additional issues are available for sale at £3.00 each (UK) or £4.00 overseas; contact the Editor Neil Limbert via this website.

From a BCCA members perspective, the most important aspect is the enclosed Membership Renewal Form. Please renew as soon as possible & return your forms to Membership Secretary Stan Grayland”

Best Wishes


From June 1st, members can begin to renew their membership for next season and start to book their tournaments.

Your membership renewal form will be sent out with the latest magazine in the next 2 or 3 weeks but, for the first time, members now have the option to renew online, select their tournaments for next season, and pay online.

Go to Membership Renewal and complete all required details on completion you will be taken to the payment page where you can add your tournament selections and complete your purchase – couldn’t be easier.

Some things to note for next season:-

* The BCCA Championship now entirely webserver! There was a large increase in entries last season because of this coming change so the tournament this season promises to be even better – don’t miss out!

* Some BCCA tournaments cannot be switched to webserver because of their unique nature – the Endgame Tournament and the Gambit & Counter-Gambit tournaments. However, for the first time, you can now enter these & select an E-mail only section! This is fantastic news for players giving you the opportunity to play in these special tournaments without having to play by expensive post. So, if you haven’t tried these before, give them a go!

* Do you realise you can play in the BCCA Handicap tournament & ask for E-mail only pairings? Yes, you can! You can wait for the Renewal form to specify or you can use the link to e-mail the Handicap Controller on the Payment Page.

* You can also order your BCCA Stationery online as a separate transaction unfortunately for technical reasons it cannot be combined with your renewal payment. BCCA Stationary Order .

* Would you like to play for BCCA in Team Matches? It’s free! And you can select E-mail or Webserver only options if you wish. All on the Membership Renewal page.

If you have any questions, use the “Contact Us” facility.

Don’t delay – renew today!”

Special Offer BCCA History Book

“128 pages of history and games giving a full account of the first hundred years of the BCCA. Highly recommended for those seeking a deeper insight into the traditions and events of the world’s oldest continuous correspondence chess organisation. Original cover price £10.00; now on Special Offer at just £6.00 including posting & packing! (For UK buyers only; overseas buyers will be given price upon request).” Click here for more details

John Allain Memorial Tournament

All games have now been finished in the John Allain Memorial All-Play-All Grand Final.

Congratulations to Tony Cannon who wins the Wolfers Medal! Edmund Foulds finished 2nd & wins £15.

I would like to thank you all for taking part – this very strong Final was an excellent tribute to the late John Allain.

Neil Limbert
Tournament Director

Medal Winners

Congratulations to Mark Eldridge who is the Winner of the 2011 Gold Webserver Tournament and Jon Coats who has won a Bronze Postal Tournament. For more information and detailed scores please see the Medal Tournament Pages