All posts by Neil Limbert

BCCA General Secretary, Editor of "Correspondence Chess" : BCCA & ICCF Tournament Director; ICCF International Arbiter (IA) : ICCF Qualifications Commissioner for 4 years from 2009-13.

New Handicap Tournament Organiser – Phill Beckett

After 25 years in control of the BCCA Handicap tournament, Steve Clark has had to retire due to ill health. BCCA owes a great debt of thanks to Steve & we wish him well.

The new Handicap Tournament Organiser is Phill Beckett. All Handicap players should, from now on, report all results & request new pairings from Phill. His contact details are:- Brough House, Church Laneham, RETFORD, NOTTS DN22 0NQ. Email address will be provided upon request & will appear in the next magazine.

BCCA thanks Phill for taking this role on in BCCA’s longest standing tournament (running since 1909). All BCCA members can enter this tournament free of charge at any time. Pairings are by post or email (not webserver) and you can take on as many or as few opponents as you wish. But you do need a minimum of eight results (between 1 September to 31 August annually) to be eligible for a prize.


Anthony Roberts wins webserver Silver Medal tournament

The 2018 webserver Silver Medal tournament No.1 has now finished and the final crosstable (with all the games) can be seen on the server here. Congratulations to Anthony Roberts for winning the tournament – well played! Anthony will receive a BCCA Silver Medal & is also awarded 10 Candidate Master points taking his total to 18 (20 points needed for the BCCA Candidate Master Title).
2nd place goes to Andrew Smith who is awarded 6 Candidate Master points (taking his total to 8).
In 3rd place was Antony Copsey who is already a BCCA Candidate Master.

2018-19 Endgame Tournament Finished

Only 3 players entered the 2018-19 Endgame tournament which resulted in a comprehensive win for Frank McMahon. The final scores were: F McMahon 7½, D Richardson 3, M Thistlewood 1½.

The Endgame tournament provides valuable endgame practice without affecting your rating (these tournaments are unrated). For next season, these tournaments will be free to enter!

Dave Grobler wins Silver Medal Tournament

Dave Grobler has won the 2018 Webserver Silver Medal tournament No.2 with an excellent score of 8/10 – well played Dave! Arthur Reed can count himself unlucky in 2nd place achieving the same score as Dave but losing out on the top spot on tie-break. The full crosstable can be seen here.

In 3rd place was Alan Sutton earning 3 Candidate Master points. These CCM points were enough to take Alan over the 20 point barrier & earn him the BCCA Candidate Master Title – congratulations to Alan!

New BCCA Candidate Master – James Wilkinson

BCCA member James Wilkinson has become the latest recipient of a BCCA Candidate Master Title after reaching the necessary 20 BCM points. Congratulation to James!

The full list of BCCA Title holders can be seen here

The full list of Title points awarded for all BCCA members who haven’t yet earned the Titles can be seen here

Medal Tournaments – full list of Entries

Entry to the 2019 Medal tournaments is now closed. Below are the full lists of entries in alphabetical order. Please contact me immediately if you have entered & your name is not below. The tournaments will get underway in 7-10 days time.

Webserver Entries

Almarza-Mato, C
Beckett, P
Bradney, R
Bruce, R
Burridge, R
Cannon, A
Carey, G
Carter, M
Cole, S
Copsey, A
Elwood, D
Fox, J
Gardner, A
Grobler, D
Hughes, G
Jefferson, N
Kiddell, T
Kitson, K
Lindberg, W
Little, G
Mason, I
Moujan, P
Muljadi, P
Murray, AJ
Palmer, V
Pheby, I
Picken, RD
Reed, A
Relyea, A
Roberts, AA
Sherwood, A
Sherwood, H
Sherwood, R
Smyth, S
Spagnoli, E
Sutton, A
Thompson, B
Tibbert, P
Whittaker, I
Winter, M
Wood, B
Woodhouse, S

Postal Entries

Beckett, P
Burridge, R
Carey, G
Clapp, J
Clayton, I
Cook, D
Dixon, R
Frith, R
Gallimore, D
Lawrence, S
MacDonald, M
Mann, R
Murray, AJ
Phillips, P
Sherwood, R
Smith, ADJ
Terry, P
Toye, DK

Jun Xiang Tee awarded BCCA Candidate Master Title

Jun Xiang Tee has become the first ever BCCA member from Malaysia to be awarded a BCCA Title! Congratulations! He earned the CM Title through superb efforts in the Trio’s tournaments (four Class 1 wins, two Class 2 wins & finally a Class 3) and a 2nd place in a Silver Medal tournament.

The full list of BCCA Title holders can be seen here

The full list of BCCA Title points awarded (for players who have not yet earned the Title) can be seen here

Angus James awarded BCCA Candidate Master Title

BCCA member Angus James is the latest recipient of the BCCA Candidate Master Title – congratulations to Angus! He earned the necessary CCM points through a variety of events: Trio’s, Medal tournaments, BCCA Candidates & British Candidates.

The full list of Title holders can be seen here

The current Points Totals (in BCCA Master & BCCA Candidate Master) for all players who have not yet earned the Title can be seen here

2019 Medal Tournaments now open for Entry!

A bit later than usual, the 2019 Medal tournaments are now open for entry! See Payment Page of this website.


Just like last season, we are maintaining the 50% reduction in Entry fees.  At £3.00 for a webserver tourney, and £2.00 for a Postal tourney, these tournaments are very good value. Especially considering that it is possible you could have as many as 12 games for that money. This year’s Medal events will start towards the end of March.

The winner of each tournament receives a BCCA Medal engraved with their name. Given that only the winner receives this prize, these tournaments reward positive play. Cautious play with players taking draws too quickly will not win a Medal.

Remember these tournaments are different to anything else BCCA offers!

Tournaments will again be offered on a Postal and Webserver basis. Players can enter both if they wish but only one tournament in each. Postal Tournaments will cost £2.00 but please note these are open to UK residents only. Webserver Tournaments will cost £3.00 and are open to all members. The Application form will be enclosed loose within the 2018 Yearbook (due to be posted shortly), or you can pay at this website on the Payment Page.

Postal tournaments will normally consist of 5 or 6 players (playing each opponent twice, 8 or 10 games) – it is not viable with less. Webserver tournaments should consist of 7 to 11 players (playing each other once) but as many as 12 games (13 players) is possible. So I ask players to be as flexible as possible so I can try and make sure everyone gets to play.

We look forward to receiving your entries!
Final Date for Entries: March 9, 2019