All posts by Neil Limbert

BCCA General Secretary, Editor of "Correspondence Chess" : BCCA & ICCF Tournament Director; ICCF International Arbiter (IA) : ICCF Qualifications Commissioner for 4 years from 2009-13.

Robert E Rough †

Very sadly, BCCA has been informed of the death of one of our members – Robert Rough of Inverness, aged 63. Robert was a member, on & off, for many years & was also an enthusiastic member of the Inverness Chess club. There is a service on 21st September at Kilvean Crematorium, Inverness at 10.30am.

New Candidate Master – Les Ellis

BCCA member Les Ellis has won Players Tourney Quartet 4/51 taking his total of Candidate Master (CM) points past 20. So Les is awarded the BCCA Candidate Master Title. As Les won the BCCA Master (BM) Title earlier this year he becomes the first BCCA player to hold both Titles.

BCCA v CCLA (Australia)

I am seeking to raise a BCCA team to play CCLA of Australia on the webserver. This will be a friendly match for medium & low-rated players (nobody above 1950 rating) or players with no rating just yet but who may fit into this category in future. Everybody who wants to play should get two good games against an opponent of similar strength. There is no fee. Please let me know if you wish to play as soon as possible (within 2 weeks please) & we will hopefully get the match going late August/early September.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Wishes,
Neil Limbert

New BCCA Champion!

KJARTAN MAACK is the BCCA Champion for 2012/3! He has scored an excellent 7.5/10 (5 wins, 5 draws) in the BCCA William Mason Championship Final. The full crosstable can be found here:- Link

Kjartan is from Iceland and is therefore BCCA’s first ever overseas Champion! Congratulations to Kjartan.

Membership Renewal 2013-14


From June 1st, members can begin to renew their membership for next season and start to book their tournaments.

Your membership renewal form will be sent out with the latest magazine in the next 2 or 3 weeks.

You can renew online but members are recommended to wait to see their Renewal Form so they can see the full selection of tournaments available. But if you know exactly what you want, members have the option to renew online straight away, select their tournaments for next season, and pay online.

Go to Membership Renewal and complete all required details. Then go to the payment page where you can add your tournament selections and complete your purchase – couldn’t be easier.

Some things to note for next season:-

* The BCCA Championship, Candidates & Reserves goes from strength to strength! Another increase in the number of entries last season. Please enter!

* Webserver Trio’s are very popular – only 4 games per tournament!

* The BCCL is now splitting up & there will be a new Webserver League(s). Please join a BCCA team!

* Some BCCA tournaments cannot be switched to webserver because of their unique nature – the Endgame Tournament and the Gambit & Counter-Gambit tournaments. However you can now enter these & select an E-mail only section! This is fantastic news for players giving you the opportunity to play in these special tournaments without having to play by expensive post. So, if you haven’t tried these before, give them a go!

* Do you realise you can play in the BCCA Handicap tournament & ask for E-mail only pairings? Yes, you can! You can wait for the Renewal form to specify or you can use the link to e-mail the Handicap Controller on the Payment Page.

* You can also order your BCCA Stationery online as a separate transaction unfortunately for technical reasons it cannot be combined with your renewal payment. Go to

* Would you like to play for BCCA in Team Matches? It’s free! And you can select E-mail or Webserver only options if you wish. All on the Membership Renewal page.

* And please don’t forget the Postal tournaments! Even if you main interest is now to play by webserver, there is still some good chess to be had by post.

If you have any questions, use the Contact Us facility.

Les Ellis is awarded the BCCA MASTER Title!

BCCA member Les Ellis has earned 3 BCCA Master points from his victory in Class 3 Trio No.4. Together with his wins in a Gold Medal tournament, BFCC Veterans Championship and another Class 3 Trio, Les has amassed the necessary 20 points to earn the Title. Congratulations to Les!


Almost 2 years after the BCCA Titles were first launched, two players have now earned the BCCA Candidate Master(CM) Title inside two days!

Jason Kirk reached the 20 points required for the CM Title by winning a 2011 Bronze Medal Tournament; winning a 2012 Silver Medal tournament; and now winning the 2012/13 Postal Championship Candidates C.

Neil Jefferson reached the 20 points required for the CM Title by winning a 2011 Silver Medal tournament, winning a webserver Trio Class 1 and a webserver Trio Class 2; and now winning Reserves D of the 2012/3 BCCA Championship.

Congratulations to both players who will be awarded BCCA Silver Medals & Candidate Master Certificates”