All posts by Stephen Woodhouse

BCCA Ratings

BCCA Ratings

Due to changes made to ICCF Tournament rules the only way to ensure that ALL BCCA members may play in our tournaments which are played on the ICCF Webserver is to make these games ICCF unrated .

We are therefore setting up a BCCA rating system.  This means all BCCA games  played from the start of our season from the first  of September 2021 will be BCCA rated..

R1 = R0 +k(W-We)

Where R1 is the new grade, R0 is the present grade , k is 20 or 40, W is the player’s total score for results , We is the expected total score based on the FIDE table 8.1b at

Handicap Tournament

Over several years the number of players wishing to play Postal pairings has declined.  As a consequence it has become virtually impossible for a postal player to meet the minimum result criteria to be included in the final table.

After much discussion it has been decided that the Handicap will  move to the webserver for the start of the new season. We have trialled some webserver pairings this season and they have proved successful.

Fees and Prizes 2021/22

Following a meeting of the Executive Committee, it has been decided to freeze membership and other fees for 2021/22 while maintaining prizes.   This means that the Fees and Prizes for the year will be as summarised below:


Charge / Event Current Fee £ Prizes


Adult  £10

Overseas £20

Junior  Free

Mason Champs £5 £200, £100, £50
Mason Candidates £5 £20
Mason Reserves £5 £15
Postal Champs £3 £40,£20 Top Section only
Medal Webserver £3 Medal
Medal Post £2 Medal
Gambit/Counter Gambit Nil Nil
W/s Trios Nil Nil
Handicap Nil Nil
Endgame Nil Nil
BCCL W.S £12 per team £24 for top section free entry for lower ones.
BCCL Post £8 per team £24 for winning team
Adjudication fee £5
Appeal Fee £10