All posts by Stephen Woodhouse

Reaching Out

Playing chess over the board or CC chess through the BCCA is the same game with different features.   Most BCCA members are either active or lapsed OTB players.

Despite this, the connections between the spheres of activity are often distant.    For this reason, we are particularly pleased to see Longbridge Chess Club in South Birmingham (where Stan Grayland and Stephen Woodhouse play)  reaching out to their members to publicise the BCCA.

Please see the Longbridge website:  Longbridge Chess Club.  For more details or contact Steve Crees, the club secretary, at

BCCA Prestigious Medal Tournaments

Starting in March the BCCA once again hold their Prestigious Postal and Webserver Medal Tournaments.


Final entry date is…….19th February 2022.


If you haven’t already entered now is your chance to get your entry in before the final entry date.


We have a healthy tournament entry. Don’t miss out on the chance to earn yourself a sought-after medal by winning your group.


Fees are set very reasonably at:


Postal Medal………..£2.00

Webserver Medal….£3.00


Payable either on the BCCA website via PayPal or send a cheque or postal-order made payable to BCCA and post to:

Keith Kitson

39 Carters Close




Counties & District CC Championships

The annual Counties and District CC Championships started on 8th February, with the traditional three divisions, featuring many BCCA members.

There are three divisions – Ward Higgs (Div 1), Sinclair (Div 2) and Butler Thomas (Div 3).   In total, there are 176 participants.

AGM Agenda

The agenda for the BCCA AGM is below:


Agenda for the Annual General Meeting to be held at 3.0 p.m. on 2nd October 2021 by Zoom


  1. Apologies for Absence


  1. Proxy Votes


  1. Minutes of Last Meeting


  1. Matters Arising


  1. General Secretary’s Report


  1. Membership Secretary’s Report


  1. Treasurers Report


  1. Ratification of Fees/Prizes


  1. Webmaster’s Report


  1. Other Reports


  1. Rating of BCCA Events


  1. Election of Officers



General Secretary




Membership Secretary


  1. Any Other Business


Stephen V Woodhouse

General Secretary

26th September 2021