From June 1st, members can begin to renew their membership for next season and start to book their tournaments.

Your membership renewal form will be sent out with the latest magazine in the next 2 or 3 weeks but, for the first time, members now have the option to renew online, select their tournaments for next season, and pay online.

Go to Membership Renewal and complete all required details on completion you will be taken to the payment page where you can add your tournament selections and complete your purchase – couldn’t be easier.

Some things to note for next season:-

* The BCCA Championship now entirely webserver! There was a large increase in entries last season because of this coming change so the tournament this season promises to be even better – don’t miss out!

* Some BCCA tournaments cannot be switched to webserver because of their unique nature – the Endgame Tournament and the Gambit & Counter-Gambit tournaments. However, for the first time, you can now enter these & select an E-mail only section! This is fantastic news for players giving you the opportunity to play in these special tournaments without having to play by expensive post. So, if you haven’t tried these before, give them a go!

* Do you realise you can play in the BCCA Handicap tournament & ask for E-mail only pairings? Yes, you can! You can wait for the Renewal form to specify or you can use the link to e-mail the Handicap Controller on the Payment Page.

* You can also order your BCCA Stationery online as a separate transaction unfortunately for technical reasons it cannot be combined with your renewal payment. BCCA Stationary Order .

* Would you like to play for BCCA in Team Matches? It’s free! And you can select E-mail or Webserver only options if you wish. All on the Membership Renewal page.

If you have any questions, use the “Contact Us” facility.

Don’t delay – renew today!”