BCCA Championship, Candidates & Reserves

The 2011/12 season is now underway. Dave Grobler reports a big increase in entries this year and we have a new TD for the Candidates and Reserves sections – Toni Halliwell who is the reigning Ladies CC Champion. Toni will be working with Dave to maintain the smooth running of the tournament. All sections are now loaded on the ICCF webserver including ‘Postal.’ You can monitor progress here:-

William Mason Championship Final: Table

Candidates A; (Postal) : Table
Candidates B (Webserver): Table
Candidates C (Webserver): Table
Candidates D (Webserver): Table
Candidates E (Webserver): Table
Candidates F (Webserver): Table

Reserves A (Postal): Table
Reserves B (Postal): Table
Reserves C (Postal): Table
Reserves D (Webserver): Table
Reserves E (Webserver): Table