New Handicap Tournament Organiser – Phill Beckett

After 25 years in control of the BCCA Handicap tournament, Steve Clark has had to retire due to ill health. BCCA owes a great debt of thanks to Steve & we wish him well.

The new Handicap Tournament Organiser is Phill Beckett. All Handicap players should, from now on, report all results & request new pairings from Phill. His contact details are:- Brough House, Church Laneham, RETFORD, NOTTS DN22 0NQ. Email address will be provided upon request & will appear in the next magazine.

BCCA thanks Phill for taking this role on in BCCA’s longest standing tournament (running since 1909). All BCCA members can enter this tournament free of charge at any time. Pairings are by post or email (not webserver) and you can take on as many or as few opponents as you wish. But you do need a minimum of eight results (between 1 September to 31 August annually) to be eligible for a prize.