Webserver Trios – Latest Results

Class 3 Trio No.64 has ended as a three-way draw between Colin Cheek, David Grobler and Phillip Tolhurst, all are awarded 1 BCCA Master Point and remain in Class 3

Class 3 Trio No 67 has been won by Helen Sherwood in a very tight match with James Wilkinson and William Lindberg  with a score of 2.5/4. Helen has been entered for the next Trios Semi-Final with the opportunity to play for cash prizes in a Trios Final. Helen is also awarded 3 BCCA Master Points to start off her campaign.

Class 3 Trio No.65 winner is Antony Copsey with an impressive score of 3/4 against Greg Hughes and Phil Beckett  Antony has also been entered for the next Trios Semi-Final and awarded 3 BCCA Master Points

Class 1 Trio No.180 has been won by new member Ian Whittaker with a perfect score of 4/4. Ian has been promoted to Class 2 and awarded his first BCCA Candidate Master Points – well played Ian