Webserver Trios – Latest results

Class 3 Trio No.66 – ended in a three way tie . All three players have been awarded 1 BCCA BM point and will play again in Class 3, No Trios semi-final place could be awarded.

Class 2 Trio No.90 – Congratulations to Xiang, Jun, Tee on a close fought win, Xiang receives a further 4 BCM Points bring his total to 19 – just one more needed for the title. Xiang is now playing in Class 3 with a view to a Championship Semi-Final Place.

Class 2 Trio No.89 – was won by Edmund Foulds  with an impressive score of 3.5/4. Edmund has been awarded 4 BCM points taking his  total to 10.

Class 1 Trio No.174 – proved to be an easy win for new member William Davies who won with a perfect score of 4/4, William is awarded 2 BCM Points to start his campaign for the title.

Class 1 Trio No.176 – Congratulations to Jim Fox on winning the Trio with a perfect score of 4/4. Jim returns to Class 2 and is awarded 2 BCM Points taking his total to 9.