Gambit & Counter-Gambit Tournaments

Only four players braved the Gambit tournament last year, with two playing in both tournaments.  Two games remain in progress, and it is a nailbiter:

Counter Gambit Tournament 2017-18  

1   Sherwood,Russell      2.0/2     2   Akrill,Richard     0.0/2

Gambit Tournament 2017-18

D Gallimore & R Sherwood 4/4 with 2 games remaining (against each other), D Witt & R Akrill 1/6.

For the 2018-19 season the BCCA are offering these events as webserver events for the first time!  These tournaments are unrated (as are all Thematic tournaments) and we are hoping that the switch to webserver will increase the number of players willing to give this event a try.

The themes for 2018-19 can be seen here  (scroll down). Controller Alex Relyea has provided an interesting mix of opportunities for gambit play. Please support this event by entering!

Renewal for the 2018-19 season with the chance the enter next season’s events will open on this website at the beginning of June.