Seeking BCCA players for two Upcoming Team Tournaments!

We have two upcoming tournaments on the webserver & I have around 40 places available for BCCA members. Do you want to play?

1/ Welsh Member Organisations Team Tournament: BCCA are affiliated to the Welsh CC Federation & we will be submitting four or five teams into this event. There will be five players per team & each player will play (probably) 8 or 10 games per player. Each board will have rating bandings as follows:-

Board One: Open

Board Two: No higher than 2,300

Board Three: No higher than 2,150

Board Four: No higher than 2,000

Board Five: No higher than 1,850

This should ensure even well-matched chess. Games will start in December.

2/ Scottish CCA Webserver Team Tournament: Organised annually & starting in January. We have submitted five teams in past years & I look to do the same again. There are four boards per team. There were three Divsions last season & the crosstables can be seen here:-

All standards are catered for. Each player will probably play 6 games.


Entry is free to BCCA members for both of these tournaments! So why not make the most of your BCCA membership & enter one of them or both!

Please also bear in mind that BCCA Medal tournaments will be starting in February or March so I appreciate that playing an additional 6-10 games is a fair-sized commitment. So manage your game loads carefully.

Please contact me (Neil Limbert – see the latest BCCA magazine for my email address or contact me through this website) if you wish to play. I look forward to hearing from you! If you do wish to play, please specify which tournament you would like to enter, or simply state you are happy to play in either, or that you would like to play in both.