Webserver Trios – August Update

Seven Trios have been decided this month starting with Class 2 Trio No. 81 involving William Lindberg, Paul Scott and Philip Tolhurst which ended in a rare three way tie. All players receive 1 BCM point and continue to play in Class 2.

Next we have Class 3 Trio No. 50 which was won by Yosau Sitorous ย in a close fought battle with David Coyne. Yosau receives 3 BM Points and is the first player to qualify for a Webserver Trios Championship Semi-Final – very well played sir.

Then we have Class 3 Trio No. 53 which was won by our magasine editor. CCM Russell Sherwood who was up against Raymond Burridge ย and Philip Beckett. Russell receives 3 BM points bringing his total to 8 and is the second player to qualify for a Webserver Trios Championship Semi-Final.

After that came Class 1 Trio No. ย 165 which was one by one of our newest members, Selina Kellett with a perfect score of 4/4 against Keith Dudeney and Jim Fox. Selina is promoted to Class 2 and receives her first 2 BCM points – one to watch for the future.

Followed by Class 2 Trio No. 77 which finished in a 2 way tie between Colin Cheek and returning member, Greg Hughes. As result they shared the BCM Points with 2 each enabling both to achieve the required 20 points for the BCCA Candidate Master Title. Both are now also promoted to Class Three with a chance to play in the Webserver Trios Championship – Well played gentlemen

The next result was Class 2 Trio No. 76 which was won by one of the strongest supporters of the Trios Tournament – Malcolm Winter, Malcolm also achieved the BCCA Candidate Master Title as a result of this win. The other players were Derek Whymark and Guy Whitehouse. Malcolm now returns to Class 3 with a chance to play in the Webserver Trios Championship.

Finally, we have Class 3 Trio No. 47 ย which was won by SIM Olli Yionen who was up against SIM Keith Kitson and Raymond Burridge. Olli and Keith both have the chance of playing in the Webserver Trios Championship if they win their next Class 3’s and Olli receives his first 3 BCCA Master Points.