BCCA Championship Final 2016/7 Finishes

All games have now been finished in the Final & the final crosstable can be viewed here: https://www.iccf.com/event?id=61194. Congratulations to Stan Grayland on becoming BCCA Champion again & winning ยฃ200!
It was an extremely tight Final this year so well played to all the players. But tie-breaks must be used to identify prize-winners & qualifiers for next year’s Final.
Brian Thompson finishes in 2nd place & wins ยฃ100. In addition, he earns 8 BCCA Master points taking his total to over 20: therefore Brian is awarded the BCCA Master Title. Congratulations Brian!
Trevor Carr & John Brasier finish in joint 3rd place & win ยฃ25 each. Trevor also picks up 2 BCCA Master points.
The four above named players all qualify for next year’s Final. Everyone else will be back in the Candidates sections next season (although it is possible, if there are spare places in the Final, that one or two of the other players may find themselves back in the Final anyway).
I would like to thank all the players for taking part & making the BCCA Championship Final a very strong & special event.