British WS Team Tournament: Season Three

Season Three of this 4-player Team Tournament will get underway in June. BCCA entered six teams last season & I am hopeful we can do the same or better this time around. ย Would you like to play?

The BWSTT is a 4-player Team tournament where each player will probably play 6 games each (7 teams per Division). In effect, it is a mini version of the ICCF Champions League. 10 moves in 40 days: Playing time 18 months. Webserver. Start Date 15 June 2015. Last Date for Entries to me May 20, 2015.
At least two members of each team must be British, but the other team members can be from anywhere so our overseas members can play!
FREE! BCCA are fully funding the entry fee for each team (ยฃ20 per team) so it will be no cost to individual members. All that we ask is that you represent the BCCA in the best possible manner, maintain your membership throughout the term of the tournament, and do not default any games.
Anyone wishing to play should contact Neil Limbert as soon as possible.

(Further details can be seen here:ย